Cascina Praie'

Country of Origin: Italy
Location: Andora, Savona
People: Massimo Viglietti, Owner & Winemaker
Viticulture: Practicing Organic


Cascina Praie' 2022 Pigato, Riviera Ligure di Ponente DOC Login In Stock
Cascina Praie' 2023 Vermentino, Colla Micheri, Riviera Ligure di Ponente DOC Login In Stock

Cascina Praié is set high in the rustic hills overlooking the sea of western Liguria. It is half way between Nice and Genova in the Riviera Ligure di Ponente. It is here in the steep rock that grower/producer Massimo Viglietti produces most memorable wines.

Pigato and Vermentino, Liguria’s most famous grapes, are the backbone of this family winery. However, Massimo also aims to revive a number of the region’s oldest and historic but less known varieties: Lumassina, Barbarossa, Granaccia and Rossese.

The vineyards of Cascina Praié sit in the midst of a splendid microclimate. High hills facing the sea, kissed by the sun and tucked in with the cooling winds that blow down from the Alps and the northern Apennines protecting the area from humidity and result in the finest wines the region has to offer.

Cascina Praié has 8 of the 12 hectares dedicated to vineyards, ranging from the youngest Cervo site, which has only recently begun producing, to the older Colla Micheri vineyards dating back to the 1970s. The winery is not officially certified for organic production but its cultivation and vinification protocols are based on the most stringent natural production parameters. Several wines are fermented naturally with ambient yeast, while others use basic, strictly non-GMO, cultured yeast.