Titus Vineyards 2023 Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley

Item Number: 20969

UPC: 0-094922202215

Country: USA
Region: California
Sub Region: Napa Valley
Appellation/AVA: Saint Helena
Estate Grown Wine: No
Vintage: 2023
Grape(s): 97.5% Sauvignon Blanc / 2.5% Viognier
Type: Wine - White
Bottle Size: 750 ml
Pack: 12
Closure: Screw Cap
Alc by Vol(%): 14.1
Total Acidity: 6.9 g/L
pH: 3.27
Case Production: 2,700

Vineyard Notes: Fruit for the Titus Sauvignon Blanc comes primarily from their estate Winery Vineyard, on the valley floor just north of St. Helena on the Silverado Trail. It has well drained, sandy, alluvial soils. The Sauvignon Blanc block lies close to the Napa River. The site is characterized by its ability to produce complex wines with well defined fruit flavors and gentle but firm acids.

Multiple vineyard passes resulted in small lot harvesting that expresses the complete range of varietal character on Titus' site.

For aromatic lift and texture, Titus adds some Viognier fruit from the highly regarded Catie's Corner vineyard, where cool and foggy mornings and evenings are ideal for this varietal. They add just enough to make the wine distinctive without changing the character of the Sauvignon Blanc .

2023 Vintage Notes: A long winter and spring, notable for near record rainfall, led to a later than usual bud break in the beginning of the growing season. Sunny, warm conditions during May soon had the vines starting bloom with near perfect conditions. Even temperatures throughout the summer provided the ideal conditions for the growing berries to develop flavor, retain acidity and build up phenolic characteristics. Veraison occurred in early August for most varieties, followed by some appropriate heat to help the fruit finish the season.

Harvest for the Sauvignon Blanc was among the latest ever for Titus Vineyards, starting on August 29th and continuing into late September. The ideal weather allowed for precise picking of mature fruit that yielded bright wines with a vibrant fruit and acid profile.

Winemaking Notes: Immediately after picking, the grapes were whole cluster pressed. The juice was transferred to stainless steel tanks where the fermentation took place. At the conclusion of fermentation, the wine was gently racked to neutral French Oak barrels where it was aged for 3 months. After 3 months of aging the wine was racked to tank and blended to be cold stabilized in preparation for bottling.

Tasting Notes: The 2023 Titus Sauvignon Blanc is a lovely example of a fresh Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc. Vibrant and full of energy, the aromas are filled with notes of citrus, Asian pear, plumeria, and a touch of tropical pineapple. The palate is welcoming and open with bright acid that lends beautiful freshness to the wine along with depth that comes from gentle aging in neutral French oak barrels. The finish is clean with crisp notes of kafir lime, melon, and citrus pith. Enjoy!