Flora Springs 2023 'Soliloquy' White Wine, Napa Valley

Flora Springs 2023 'Soliloquy' White Wine, Napa Valley

Item Number: 20924

UPC: 0-011472317503

Country: USA
Region: California
Sub Region: Napa Valley
Appellation/AVA: Napa Valley
Estate Grown Wine: Yes
Vineyard Designation: Crossroads Vineyard
Vintage: 2023
Grape(s): 85% Sauvignon Blanc / 8% Malvasia / 7% Chardonnay
Type: Wine - White
Bottle Size: 750 ml
Pack: 6
Closure: Cork
Viticulture: Practicing Organic
Soil Type: Pleasant loam

The 2023 Flora Springs Soliloquy is the continuation of a remarkable journey that began in 1989. Noting the unique character of a small block of Sauvignon Blanc from the estate Crossroads Vineyard in the Oakville AVA, they fermented and bottled it separately as their first Soliloquy white wine. Their hunch that there was something exceptional about these Sauvignon Blanc vines was confirmed shortly thereafter, when UC Davis certified Soliloquy as a singular clone entirely unique to Flora Springs.

Their journey took a turn in the 1990s when the vines became diseased and the clone nearly went extinct. Determined to save this piece of Napa Valley history, the family spent the next eight years in a quest to preserve the Soliloquy clone, growing new plant material in a lab, propagating a few dozen vines in a nursery, and replicating them in the vineyard. With the new vines established, General Manager Nat Komes took Soliloquy on as a personal project, conducting numerous blending trials over a several year period to re-create the Soliloquy wine he remembered from its earliest vintages. Experimenting with different fermentation regimes, aging vessels, and varietal compositions yielded the wine Nat knew from taste memory. Today, Soliloquy represents their quest to create the finest white wine they have ever made.

Vintage Notes: In 2023 Napa Valley experienced one of the longest growing seasons in a decade or more. Winter and spring rains led to full reservoirs and healthy, saturated soils; ideal conditions as grape growers headed into the peak growing months. With consistent, mild weather throughout the season, above-average crop yields, and extended hang time, 2023 was an exceptional, high-quality and memorable vintage.

Winemaking Notes: In an attempt to preserve the thumbprint of this treasured fruit source, the fruit is whole-cluster fermented in its natural yeast. This technique also means there is no inoculated yeast present in the wine.

Tasting Notes: At 85% of the blend, Sauvignon Blanc anchors the wine with lush flavors and zesty acidity. Eight percent Malvasia introduces notes of citrus flower and jasmine that are beguiling. Seven percent Chardonnay brings in a creamy mouthfeel, finish and notes of Bosc pear and apple.